So on June 12th, our ward had our second annual lu'au. I wasn't originally planning on being in it, unlike last year when I planned on performing. But I got a call the week before the lu'au asking if I could do the same dance I did last year. I said sure, then learned a new dance at the rehearsal for the one I knew. So, here's some picks courtesy of my family, I was going to record it but I forgot my camera in my rush to get to the church on time. (No I wasn't getting married in the morning...)

This is the dance I learned in five minutes, good thing it was pretty easy. In this one, the song states that "I'm going to California, and when I come back we will be married." You can kind of see the Ring Pops we used as engagement rings.

The things we brought back were a pair of high heeled shoes (I wish you could really see the four inch heels I wore), a hat with a crooked brim, a shawl with the fringes, and a short petticoat.

The young men and elders did the Haka, which is usually done shirtless, but we'll make an exception this time.

Pretty fierce faces!!
The other dance I did was Kanaka Wai Wai (pronounced Vai Vai). This is the one that I already knew I just had to practice it a few times.

Although it doesn't look like it, I did have a great time. Unlike last year, our ward was responsible for a good portion of the entertainment. Thank you Adriane and the Guys for teaching us all to dance.
Lu'au turned out really well and was fun. . . but next year, I'm not going to be painting a backdrop all day before it. That is TOO MUCH for one day.